How to Play:

a- Enter your nickname , then press ''submit'' and lets go!

b- Use the keyboard =>Move: Arrow keys or A-D / Jump: Space   / Water gun:  E

c- Survive the 3 different waves and extinguish the hot zones.

d-  Check your score on the LeaderBoard after finishing the 3 waves.

Cool it! 

Your prototype mecha-creation is almost complete. Soon you can help people worldwide with all their mecha needs. There’s just one problem: the parts keep overheating! Luckily you set up some quick scaffolding to help you deal with exactly that problem. Work your way from toe to head, using your trusty Coolant Spray (E) to cool down the red glowing parts. Oh yeah, don’t worry about those sentient electric sparks. No idea where those came from… Complete three waves of overheated parts, and be quick about it! The world needs mechs yesterday! Jump, climb, cool it, and don’t get zapped!

NOTE: The leaderboard in-game is slightly broken. To view the actual leaderboard, go to this website.


Creators & Socialmedia

  Programming:  Gnoxnahtedev 

  Music & SFX: October_stereo          (2) october - YouTube  

  Pixel Art: Danpanzerkunst


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Hola bro, el juego es divertido y esteticamente se ve mejor que el anterior que participaste y la música es realmente genial. Un saludo!

gracias por el comentario =) nos alegra que te gustase todos los componentes del juego, saludosssssssss